I\’m looking forward to the upcoming shows in Nova Scotia, PEI and New Brunswick. Last time I was on the east coast, when I wasn\’t making music I was eating seafood – so. much. seafood. Glorious stuff! I\’m looking forward to a repeat of that. If you\’re in the maritimes I hope to see you at a show: June 5-Antigonish NS (with Jenny MacDonald), June 6-Hunter River PEI (with Jenny MacDonald & Brian Dunn), June 7-Fredericton NB, June 10-Halifax NS (with Jenny MacDonald). Details and ticketing are on the UPCOMING SHOWS PAGE of this site. I took the attached photo when on tour in Ottawa last week (did a show there with Glenn Nuotio). I stumbled upon 1000 people doing yoga on parliament hill – pretty cool!!
Nova Scotia, New Brunswick & PEI