Ho Ho Ho! A few holiday shows have been added to the show calendar. Come and hear some original songs & festive covers and get into the spirit of the season. Dec. 3rd I\’m performing in Watrous SK (Civic Centre – 2pm Matinee) – tickets are available at the door. Dec 14 I\’m at the Richmond Hill Centre for the Performing Arts just north of Toronto (730pm show). CLICK HERE for Ticket info for the Richmond Hill performance. Dec 16 I\’m wrapping up 7 months of touring, with a BIG show at the Casino Regina Show Lounge in Regina SK: Jeffery Straker and friends: a very prairie holiday show. This show is almost sold out! (this venue is for ages 19+) For ticketing info for the Casino Regina show on Dec 16 CLICK HERE. In between all of these I\’m doing a lot of private holiday shows. Thanks to everyone for thinking of me for the bookings! Info for all shows is on the calendar on this website.
Holiday Shows – Watrous SK, Richmond Hill ON, Regina SK