CD releases, live TV and Toronto Pride with Mel C

What a whirlwind – and a good one at that, this past week. The CD releases in my hometown and in Regina SK went so well thanks to everyone who attended and bought CDs. Both nights were such fun performances to do – thanks to everyone for the kind e-mails. We then flew the band down to Toronto for a weekend of performances. Friday we were on Breakfast Television on City TV. We did 2 songs – and the band kicked the ass out of them (but we were up at 4:30 for the 5:30 load in so that was sucky). Viewership was about half a million people – that was nifty! And then the finale for us was performing the opening set for Mel C (the sporty spicey gal that she is) – at Toronto Pride. It was such a cool show – not only playing to the huge audience there (her huge audience that is), but having it webcast around the globe via Toronto Pride, and also broadcast to the big screens around the festival site. Thanks to the band \”The Handsome Strangers\” for doing such a fantastic job at all the shows: Rob D, Kory Gibbs, Jill Straker, Robyn Newman, Sam Minevich. The freebie pizza backstage made my weekend 110% complete – pizza pizza…mmmmm. More to come!

1 thought on “CD releases, live TV and Toronto Pride with Mel C”

  1. Hey Jeff – was lucky enough to get to hear/see you in Regina. Super show, and bought the discs. FANTASTIC! You sang me all the way to the farm and back — 6 hours. I’m getting to know the songs, for sure.

    A thought struck me – and I have no idea whether this is appropriate. But here goes: I think you have the makings of a great musical in your songs, because they are stories in and of themselves, with great melody in all of them. I can see someone building a story around them, and using the wonderful stories in them (along with the great melodies) to create a super musical experience.

    Anyway, just an idea thats settled in my head.

    Hope to see you in concert again. Love the energy!

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